서울대 바이오시스템 연구실



제목 Cho, W. J., Gang, M. S., Kim, D. W., Kim, J., Jung, D. H., & Kim, H. J. 2023. Decision-tree-based ion-specific dosing algorithm for enhancing closed hydroponic efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14.
글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2023-12-08 08:17:06
2024-09-14 08:17:06

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이전글 Park, S. J., Jeon, C. W., & Kim, H. J. 2022. Development of Variable Look-ahead ...
다음글 Kim, D. W., Jeong, S. J., Lee, W. S., Yun, H., Chung, Y. S., Kwon, Y. S., & Kim,...